Meeting Minutes – 04.02.2020

After what was, for some, another enervating day of self-isolation, it was great to get everyone together for another socially responsible, online, virtual Silicon Speech meeting. Governor Newsom would be so proud! Sam Nazarian served as Toastmaster and he skillfully guided us through an Agenda that included terrific speeches, insightful evaluations and thoughtful Table Topics questions.

Shar McBee was up first with a speech about how to attract abundance and it was full of great advice such as getting clear about what you want and then get moving. She then outlined how to use the tools of emotion, story and other people to accomplish your goals. Great stuff! Then, Armando Yee told us the fascinating story of Ray Kroc, the man who gave the world McDonalds and someone who obviously knew a few things about accomplishing goals.

The speeches were followed by insightful, supportive evaluations by First Laddie, Luis Hurtado and yours truly. Then, Karan Bavandi took to our virtual stage as Table Topics Master. He asked very timely questions about everything from the future of capitalism to media misinformation. We sounded like a Toastmasters version of Meet the Press.

Steve Evans
Secretary / VP Education
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