Meeting Minutes – 03.19.2020

Last night, Silicon Speech was live online with our first ever, virtual meeting! Everything went great with the exception of a few technical glitches which we’ll work out before next week. We jumped right into the action with no dilatory dallying around. My thanks to all who attended and made this work. Our Toastmaster, Alex Schams was at the helm and skillfully guided us through Agenda. It was almost like being back in the Boardroom but at a responsible social distance (I can’t imagine what Gavin Newsom would think of us all crammed into Conference Room C these days).

Our first speaker was Jon Wald with a truly inspirational Pathways speech about accomplishing his lifelong dream of learning to fly. His speech included a step by step guide about how we, too, could accomplish our dreams using this technique. Great stuff! Jon was followed by Karan Bavandi and a harrowing tale about the time he was arrested by Iranian Revolutionary Forces and how he survived thanks to yoga and meditation. Once again, great stuff!

Our Table Topics Master was Sam Nazarian who came up with a very clever idea that had us pitching some pretty crazy products to some very unusual people. Kind of like some of the ads that pop up on facebook these days. All in all, it was a great meeting which made me believe that these virtual meetings will definitely work. We all need to polish our online skills these days and this is a great way to do it.

Steve Evans
Secretary / VP Education
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