Meeting Minutes – 10.03.19

It was another big night in the Boardroom at Cross Campus last night. Sam Nazarian broke the ice with a terrific speech giving us insight into what it’s like to be a software engineer, managing complexity. Welcome news since anytime I’m involved with software, things get pretty complex.

Next up, President Lou gave us a brief but very informative seminar on what it takes to be an effective leader. Lou continues to serve as a great example for the group, moving forward in the Pathways program (more about that next week). Drew Thaler was drafted at the last minute to be our Table Topics Master and did a great job querying the membership, giving people the opportunity to sharpen their extemporaneous speaking skills.

All of the other functionaries performed in an exemplary (word of the day?) manner. All that and we signed up 2 new members! Welcome to Silicon Speech, Christine Ahn and Karan Bavandi!

Steve Evans
Secretary / VP Education
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