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Silicon Speech: A curated library of information for Toastmaster enthusiast shared by our Silicon Speech community
  • Public Speaking for Beginners
    Publisher: YouTube

    Public Speaking for Beginners

    Do's and don'ts for beginners. Great pointers for what you need to focus on to develop the right skills for your public speaking. The advice is common sense, but you need to hear it to remember it!
    Do's and don'ts for beginners. Great pointers for what you need to focus on to develop the right skills for your public speaking. The advice is common sense, but you need to hear it to remember it!

    Tags: coaching, speech preparation

    5 1
  • Affinity Mapping
    Publisher: YouTube

    Affinity Mapping

    Learn how to organize your ideas when preparing a speech. Affinity mapping is a type of curation of your best thoughts to help you organize what you want to say and how you want to say it.
    Learn how to organize your ideas when preparing a speech. Affinity mapping is a type of curation of your best thoughts to help you organize what you want to say and how you want to say it.

    Tags: speech preparation

    5 1
  • Jerry Seinfeld Interview: How to Write a Joke
    Publisher: YouTube

    Jerry Seinfeld Interview: How to Write a Joke

    Jerry Seinfeld describes the anatomy of his Pop-Tart joke, still a work in progress, and shows his longhand writing process.
    Jerry Seinfeld describes the anatomy of his Pop-Tart joke, still a work in progress, and shows his longhand writing process.

    Tags: speech preparation, jokes

    5 1
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