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Silicon Speech: A curated library of information for Toastmaster enthusiast shared by our Silicon Speech community
Publisher: TEDx Talks
Author: Nancy DuarteNancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators
In this talk Nancy emphasizes the power of ideas to change the world and how communication is key to making it happen. She notes that stories are the most effective way to convey ideas, as they create a physical reaction in the listener. She studied ...In this talk Nancy emphasizes the power of ideas to change the world and how communication is key to making it happen. She notes that stories are the most effective way to convey ideas, as they create a physical reaction in the listener. She studied ...Tags: coaching, great speeches, mentoring
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Publisher: odyssey
Author: No AuthorOdyssey Project - mentoring and networking
Odyssey is a platform for finding a MENTOR, a MENTEE, or a NETWORKING PAIR and to establish and follow-up a mentoring relationship. The Odyssey Project is an initiative of Toastmasters members. It started in 2019 in District 108. There is no fee to ...Odyssey is a platform for finding a MENTOR, a MENTEE, or a NETWORKING PAIR and to establish and follow-up a mentoring relationship. The Odyssey Project is an initiative of Toastmasters members. It started in 2019 in District 108. There is no fee to ...5 1
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