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Silicon Speech: A curated library of information for Toastmaster enthusiast shared by our Silicon Speech community
  • Impromptu Speaking Techniques: How to speak without any preparations
    Publisher: YouTube

    Impromptu Speaking Techniques: How to speak without any preparations

    Sean offers valuable tips about how to put yourself in a mindset so you can feel at ease. I really like the advice to not try to say too much, less is more. He also recommends to engage people and tell personal stories that you can relate to.
    Sean offers valuable tips about how to put yourself in a mindset so you can feel at ease. I really like the advice to not try to say too much, less is more. He also recommends to engage people and tell personal stories that you can relate to.

    Tags: coaching, impromptu speaking

    5 1
  • Impromptu Speech Tips: Speaking Without Any Preparation
    Publisher: YouTube

    Impromptu Speech Tips: Speaking Without Any Preparation

    I like this speaker. His opening is great, see how he engages people. He then offers some tips on how to start and conduct your speech. What is important is to have a frame work so you can quickly feel comfortable and speak off the cuff. 
    I like this speaker. His opening is great, see how he engages people. He then offers some tips on how to start and conduct your speech. What is important is to have a frame work so you can quickly feel comfortable and speak off the cuff. 

    Tags: coaching, impromptu speaking

    5 1
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