Meeting Minutes – 06.04.2020

It’s great that there is a place we can all meet online during these turbulent times sitting in the comfort and convenience of our very own homes or before our beautiful virtual backgrounds.

That place is the Silicon Speech Zoom meeting and last night we were treated to two terrific speeches by Marisol Zumaeta and Lauren Clayton. It was Marisol’s Ice Breaker and she knocked it out of the virtual park with a story of her childhood in Peru which included curfews and economic turmoil. Sound familiar? She survived and thrived with gratitude and a focus on the positive. A timely message for all of us in 2020.

Lauren Clayton was next with a speech entitled “Impostor” which detailed her experience with Impostor Syndrome, an affliction that is far more common than one may think. It was a vivid tale that took us from giving psych tests to ex-cons in Oakland to a party at Ryan Seacrest’s house to a chance meeting with that corporate stallion, Bob Iger. No impostor, Lauren proved that’s she’s the real deal in her 2nd speech before the club.

Speeches were followed by thoughtful, insightful and supportive evaluations by Karan Bavandi and yours truly then Armando Yee took to the virtual stage as our Table Topics Master. Once again, topics touched on things we’re experiencing during the crazy times. Everything from the terror of stepping on the scales after a few months of quarantining to how quickly things could go catawampus if you happened to be in a stalled car back in the LA of the 70’s. All in all, it was another exciting, interesting and informative night at Silicon Speech.

I would like to recognize our guests last night; Rajiv Jadhav, Joelle Johnson and Rossmery Zumaeta, Marisol’s sister who joined us from Columbia. Thanks for stopping by and we hope we’ll see you again.

Now, here’s the list for next week:
  • Toastmaster – Lauren Clayton
  • Table Topics Master – Karan Bavandi
  • Speaker #1 – Len Kung
  • Speaker #2 – Luis Hurtado
  • Back-up Speaker – Karan Bavandi
  • Chief Evaluator – Azita Sachmechian
  • Evaluator #1 – Alex Schams
  • Evaluator #2 – Armando Yee
  • Timer – Marisol Zumaeta
  • Grammarian – Sam Nazarian
  • Ah Counter – Steve Evans
  • Thought for the Day – Li Xin
  • Joke Master – Marisol Zumaeta
Steve Evans
Secretary / VP Education
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