Meeting Minutes – 04.28.2022 

Len Kung
Club Secretary

Greetings fellow Toastmasters and honored guests!

Hi Everyone,

Thursday, May 5th will be our first, hybrid online/in-person meeting at Blank Spaces, 1450 2nd Street, Santa Monica, 90401 from 5:30 to 7:00. There is parking right across the street. Since this is our first time, the twenty-five minutes, from 5:30 to 5:55, will be set aside to give everyone in the room a chance to log in and set up. Everyone attending should bring a device (laptop, iPad, phone, etc.) so you’ll be able to log in to the Zoom meeting and have presence online, as well as, presence in the room. So far, we have 5 people attending in-person besides me; Shar, Steven, Kenzi, Shaun, Lora & Li is a maybe. Let me know right away, if you would like to attend, as well.

Let’s hear it for Karan Bavandi who has volunteered to be our Vice President of Public Relations next term. As a matter of fact, he’s taking the reins immediately. The former VPPR, Luis Hurtado has graciously agreed to show Karan how it’s done. I would like to thank Luis for his years (yes, years) of service to the club and for building the most amazing club website in the District, For the club to continue, we need to put together a new leadership team, a group that will take the club to the next level. I will no longer be able to be your President (there’s a two-term limit) and there are now 6 leadership positions to fill. Don’t worry about not having any experience as an officer. There will be District One, Club Officer Trainings and a wealth of material about the duties and responsibilities of each position is available on the Toastmasters website – Here are the positions we need to fill. Let me know if you would like to be a part of the team.
President Vice President of Education Vice President of Public Relations – Karan Bavandi Vice President of Membership Treasurer Secretary Sergeant at Arms Now, the line-up. If your name is Lora, Shar, Hema or Blake, please send your intro to our Toastmaster, me at Toastmaster – Steve Evans Table Topics Master – Lora Larson-Miller Speaker #1 – Shar McBee Speaker #2 – Hema Natarajan – Pathways Speech – Level 3 Elective Back-up Speaker – Steve Evans Chief Evaluator – Blake Samuelle Evaluator #1 – Steven Evenson Evaluator #2 – Luis Hurtado Timer – Antonio Henriques Grammarian – Kenzi Rose Ah Counter – Levi Adissi Thought for the Day – Elizabeth Kelly Joke Master – Steven Evenson

It’s a new year and we have a new cabinet. Your voices were heard. The people have spoken! Together we will make Silicon Speech the best club in D1 in 2021 and beyond!

Len Kung
Club Secretary
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