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Silicon Speech: A curated library of information for Toastmaster enthusiast shared by our Silicon Speech community
  • Giving An Evaluation That's Worth A Darn
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    Giving An Evaluation That's Worth A Darn

    I really like how Chris breaks down the evaluation process. He has great tips on how to take notes and organize your evaluation. He says he looks for 3 things, opening, speech organization and speech mechanics. Chris was a district evaluation champio...
    I really like how Chris breaks down the evaluation process. He has great tips on how to take notes and organize your evaluation. He says he looks for 3 things, opening, speech organization and speech mechanics. Chris was a district evaluation champio...

    Tags: evaluations, toastmaster roles

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  • The Presidents Role
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    The Presidents Role

    A video tutorial of the Presidents role and responsibility in toastmasters. Click through the video to learn about your role and responsibilities as a Toastmaster club president.
    A video tutorial of the Presidents role and responsibility in toastmasters. Click through the video to learn about your role and responsibilities as a Toastmaster club president.

    Tags: toastmaster roles, president

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  • Club Officer Tools for Toastmasters International
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    Club Officer Tools for Toastmasters International

    A club officer has a very important role within Toastmasters International. The success of a club and its members depend on how well you and your fellow club officers execute your responsibilities. This page offers access to the roles, tutorials and ...
    A club officer has a very important role within Toastmasters International. The success of a club and its members depend on how well you and your fellow club officers execute your responsibilities. This page offers access to the roles, tutorials and ...

    Tags: toastmaster roles, toastmasters international

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  • Best Practices for Virtual Event Hosts
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    Best Practices for Virtual Event Hosts

    This is a wonderful collection of ideas for hosting a virtual event. Many people are utilizing webinars to effectively market their businesses. Learn how to plan for these virtual events so you can get your users involved and other things you need to...
    This is a wonderful collection of ideas for hosting a virtual event. Many people are utilizing webinars to effectively market their businesses. Learn how to plan for these virtual events so you can get your users involved and other things you need to...

    Tags: virtual events

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  • Pathways learning experience
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    Pathways learning experience

    Toastmasters has designed the pathways guideline to help members develop their communication leadership skills by offering ideas on speeches and areas of focus to help members build unique competencies. 
    Toastmasters has designed the pathways guideline to help members develop their communication leadership skills by offering ideas on speeches and areas of focus to help members build unique competencies. 

    Tags: speech tool, pathways

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  • Toastmasters International
    Publisher: Toastmasters

    Toastmasters International

    This is the main Toastmaster site with links to resources, online store and links to pathways the online education program that will guide you through your Toastmasters journey.
    This is the main Toastmaster site with links to resources, online store and links to pathways the online education program that will guide you through your Toastmasters journey.

    Tags: toastmasters international

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